Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My sweet little boy is turning one

I can hardly believe that Hayden is turning one this Monday. It seems like yesterday he joined this crazy crew making us a foursome. He has been an absolute joy to have. He is such a character and is always there with a smile. It is a good thing because he is a brute! He is the size of most 2 year olds. People are always floored when we tell them he is barely 1. Tipping the scales at 26 lbs I think I should enter a bodybuilding competition just to show off my biceps from holding him!!!! I can't wait till he can walk so I can finally have him walk beside me and hold his hand. Maybe then my poor back can catch a break. He also loves to eat, anything. He eats more at a sitting than I do, maybe there is hope that a Holbrook descendant might also be able to add some height to the girth. (no offense to any who are reading this!) He LOVES his big sister. He looks for her all the time and wants to be where ever she is. The funny thing is is that she tries to move him and he is almost as big as she. That makes moving him like moving mountains, but he just laughs and lets her try. He also loves his daddy!!! When he is around nobody else matters. He loves to wrestle with Jeff. he also likes to play peek a boo and chase. Boy can that kid crawl fast!!!!! But my favorite thing is when he is tired he comes up to me and in the sweetest voice says MaMa and rests his face against mine. It gets me every time! Happy Birthday Hayden!!!!! I will post more after we have his first birthday rager.

Winter Olympics 2022 Gold Medalist

I have to admit, when Renee begged to take snowboarding lessons after watching the Backyardigans do it one day I had my doubts. But I figured what the heck, she will either take a lesson and hate it or it might be something that our amazingly coordinated mega spaz might enjoy. And lets be honest I can relish in the 3 hours of freedom and try and regain some of my youth on the slopes. Her first lesson was a riot. She got up and down she went. Her favorite part is ridding the chairlift, even though she has to be lifted on and off because she is vertically challenged. We also got to watch her in lightning speed cruise down the hill in surprisingly perfect form with her bright smile flashing because in her own words, "I'm just not a big fan of going slow." Needless to say snowboarding was a hit.

We are now 2 lessons in to our package of 5 and I must say Renee is emerging as a star. I was informed by her instructor this week that she is the best in the class and she wanted me to have her do some exercises to build up her strength so she could get her turning really well on her own. The only complaint I have is that Renee has informed me that skis are not cool and I need to snowboard. Her instructor told me to just join their class next week and she could help me, but I am just not so sure I want to have my 4 year old show me up. But I might just have to breakdown and take a lesson of my own and give snowboarding one more try. Can you really teach an old dog new tricks???? But all in all We both enjoy the experience, I am hoping now I can get Jeff out there and it will be something we can all do as a family when Hayden is finally old enough to join us!!! I will keep you posted on her progress. However if you look to Brighton and see pink streaking across the mountain, chances are you have just seen Renee.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


After being tormented and ridiculed for not having a blog by Randee, I have finally been beat into submission. I had just dropped the little monkeys off at pre school and when I returned to her house the computer was set up and I was having a blog tutorial. So now I guess I will have to comply!!!